The Royal Couch Potato

Discussing everything remotely related to television.

8:31 PM

Back to the Future Parallels

Posted by Scrapsies |

So I got bored till I recently saw something scary on tv. I saw this advert for an aerogarden. It's something you put in your kitchen and you can pluck fresh vegies, tomatoes, herbs, etc when you need it.

Which got me thinking... isn't that like back to the future when McFly called "FRUIT PLEASE" with his broken voice and a massive fruit growing platter descended from the ceiling?
Top: Shoes from the film which McFly wore which were attached to a hovering skatebored. Bottom: shoes designed by Nike in 2008 valued at $70.

Creepy stuff eh? You should watch Idiocracy. It's a cheesy glimpse into what life could be like. People ruled by dumb people:

In fact here's the trailer [overall film: 3.5/5 potatoes]

What is the world coming to???


Anonymous said...

Lol! I ask myself that everyday!
